Heart Attacks: Awareness of the Warning Signs Saves Lives

Heart Attacks: Awareness of the Warning Signs Saves Lives

Myocardial Infarction or heart attack is an episode that arises as the blood stops flowing into a part of the heart. This can significantly damage the heart muscle. There are various degrees of this disease based on the heart attack’s severity and remember that not all heart attacks result in death. However, a heart attack is painful and those who have experienced such a situation may encounter it again. That is why 4 Corners Pharmacy, a supplier of health care supplies in Spring Hill, Florida, suggests that sufferers must take precautionary measures to reduce the risk.

Kinds of Heart Attack

Heart attacks are classified based upon the attack’s severity.

Coronary Artery Spasm. This is where the blood artery’s wall gets tight to the extent that it stops the blood supply to the heart. Although this is difficult to discover, it can be treated with calcium channel blockers and nitrates.

STEMI Heart Attacks. This can happen because of the total blockage of a coronary artery that leads in a malfunctioning of a big heart muscle. Because this heart attack is serious, emergency treatments include drugs like thrombolytics.

NSTEMI Heart Attacks. This occurs because of a partial and temporary blockage of a coronary artery. Angioplasty is used to treat this kind of heart attack.

Demand Ischemia. This occurs when the blood doesn’t get enough oxygen. It usually leads to fast heart rates and infections.

Risk Factors

While a number of the risk factors below can be controlled, others are non-negotiable. To help in reducing the risks, precautionary measures are important.

Smoking. Smoking causes about 20 percent to 22 percent of coronary artery diseases. It includes tobacco smoking and second-hand smoke as well as too much exposure to air pollution.

Family history. People with a family history of heart attacks are at a greater risk of experiencing one. About 25 genetic variants are found to have been linked to heart attacks.

General health. A heart attack can occur as a consequence of other health problems like blood pressure issues, diabetes, cholesterol problems, and obesity.

Gender. Men tend to be at a higher risk for a heart attack than women. Also, as a person ages, the chances of having this attack also increase.

Signs of a Heart Attack

Digestive Problems and Heartburn. Heartburn is caused by the esophageal sphincter’s opening. A heartburn episode involves the person experiencing severe chest pain. Normally, this takes place to those who lie down right after having a meal. Also, this can cause vomits and stomach pains. Those who frequently experience heartburn episodes are at risk of having a heart attack.

Left Side Body Pain. In general, the pain rises in the left arm; however, in a lot of cases, it can run the entire body down. This is normally mistaken for a regular muscle pain and thus ignored. So when a person suffers pain on the left side of his body, particularly the arm, a heart attack may be around the corner. Immediate medical consultation and treatment are needed to avoid severe consequences.

Continuous Coughing. This symptom is more common in people who already have heart issues. It is imperative to pay attention to this and visit a doctor for it. Generally, a patient is having a heart attack if he doesn’t stop coughing. In serious cases, blood cough can also occur. Medications which help stop a cough can help the person overcome this potential symptom of a heart attack.

Quick Exhaustion. People who easily get tired may be at risk of a heart attack. Such tiredness can be assessed while doing normal activities like walking, jogging, and climbing stairs. To determine the amount of risk a person faces, it is imperative to analyze his daily life fatigue and exhaustion period. He needs to consult with his doctor regarding his fatigue.

Unusual Sweating. Sweating is quite normal until it occurs because of hot weather conditions or some exercise. A number of individuals loose much of the liquid in their body in the form of sweat. But, when a person is having cold sweating without obvious reasons, actions must be taken right away. To avoid serious consequences, an emergency check-up is necessary.

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